What does the Lord require? But to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before our God.Five for Five
We are a "five for five" church, which means that we collect for all five special offerings supporting the wider work of our denomination:
- Our Church's Wider Mission (basic denominational mission support)
- The Christmas Fund (support for ministers in need)
- Neighbors in Need (support for mission projects within the US)
- Strengthen the Church (support for church plants and church revitalization)
- One Great Hour of Sharing (international missions and relief)
Kit Collections
Several times a year, we collect items for the needy, such as hygiene items for our unhoused neighbors and school supplies for children locally and abroad. Recent collections include:
- School Supply sets for Robinson ISD Kindergarten
- School Supply kits for the Church World Service
- Hygiene Kits for the Back Bay Mission
Food for the Hungry
We support several ministries to keep our neighbors fed, near and far.
- Weekly collection of dry beans for Caritas Waco
- Support for Mission Waco
- Yearly "Souper Bowl of Caring" collection for the poor
- Local Support
Creating a more inclusive and accessible world is part of God's mission on earth. Therefore, in addition to a continual re-evaluation of our facilities and programs for accessibility, we also give for a more accessible world.
- Yearly collection for the Virginia Kreyer Endowed Scholarship for
Theological Education, benefiting differently-abled seminarians.