
We are a congregationally-led church in covenant with a pastor and a wider United Church.

Every member is a minister, here are some key leaders.


Rev. Jacob Brenton, MDiv/MBA, Pastor

Coming to us from the Baptist tradition, Jacob has been pastor of St. John since 2018. Jacob holds a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, a Master of Divinity from Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University, and a Master of Business Administration from the Hankamer College of Business at Baylor. Jacob was ordained as an authorized minister in the North Texas Association, South Central Conference, United Church of Christ in 2020, and also holds a license to ministry from an Alliance of Baptists/Cooperative Baptist Fellowship congregation.

Jacob leads the worship and spiritual life of St. John: preaching, presiding over baptism and communion, leading weddings and funerals, and teaching adults and youth. But let's be honest, pastoring is a varied calling, so you're just as likely to find him fixing sinks, setting up for the next event, or buying snacks for the youth group. Jacob serves in the wider church as President of the North Texas Association, UCC and as a member of the UCC Pension Board's Next Generation Leadership Initiative Cohort 13.

JoAnn Brown, Organist, Choir Director, Financial Manager

As a lifelong member of St. John, JoAnn is an invaluable asset to our congregation. JoAnn accompanies almost every service on organ or piano, as well as directing our choir. JoAnn works in the church office a few hours every week, managing our finances and bills, as well as printing our newsletter and bulletins.

Jean Kettler, Council President, Facility Manager

Jean serves (at least!) two roles around here: she is the Church Council President and our facility manager. As facility manager, Jean cleans our building weekly and coordinates with others to complete any needed repairs. As council president, Jean leads a group of 7 church members and the pastor in making key church decisions between larger meetings of the church membership.

Virginia Wuebker, Sunday School Director

As a longtime second grade teacher in Robinson schools, Virginia is a well known face around town! Though she is now retired from the school classroom, we are grateful that Virginia leads our adult Sunday School class weekly, allowing opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship together.